To conduct research-cum-study on different socio-economic-cultural problems of the society.
To take fact-finding action on different burning issues and incidents of the society and their documentation.
To create opportunities for upgradation of knowledge and the level of awareness among the activists regarding legal provisions and Govt. facilities for the tribals, dalits, indegenous people, Women, OBC, Children etc. and their rights & duties as human beings.
To organise reorientation programme for both women and men of the target communities to change socio-cultural values for attaining the goal of a human society based on justice.
To organise training, meeting, seminar and workshop on different Social issues, problems and its perpetration from time to time.
To organise training on leadership development and skill development on survey, planning, monitoring, evaluation and reporting.
To develop and strengthen grass-root level people’s action groups (PAG), Trade Unions (TU), Cooperatives and other group endeavours for increasing their bargaining power and struggles and to make group / organisations self dependent and self-reliant.
To take action for social education for the people of reference groups in the form of both formal and non-formal education to expediate the process of their participation in Social action.
To organise people for Social action in the forms of protests deputations, demonstration against injustices, atrocities etc. and availing basic amenities and opportunities from the State etc. with a view of strengthening people’s struggles for empowerment.
To create opportunities for developing and strengthening Worker’s Action groups, Street and Working Children Action Groups ,Cooperatives, Network of Tribals, Dalits and other indigenous people and establishment of a just Society based on human values.
To create opportunities for the people to become self-employed which ultimately with help them to become economically self-reliant.
To organise Micro Finance and Livelihood Development Programme programme for poor women of self help groups.