Children In Pain

Education for Tribal, Scheduled Caste and other non-school going Children

Prof. Amartya Sen, Noble Laureate, has rightly emphasised the need for universal primary education as sine quo non for all round development of the people of a third world country like ours.

Rally organised by LAMP in the World Social Forum, Mumbai 2004, demanding protection of Rights
of Street and Working Children.
The children virtually learn through playing. games, sports and other recreational activities like songs, dramas and short excursions, which are also arranged. The learners are also encouraged to get familiar with the local flora and fauna and also their environment. Instructions on personal hygiene and sanitation are also given. They take keen interest in their lessons.

An assessment of the progress, made with the participation of the village/slum level education committees, shows that 87% of the learners have successfully completed the class tests.

As a necessary corollary to this education programme LAMP has also been taking some positive steps towards elimination of child labour and promotion of self-reliance among women, specially the mothers of the learners under the Micro Finance and Livelihood Development Programme, through formation of Self-Help Groups.They are also encouraged to ensure preservation of local environment, which is inseparable from their lifestyle .
Mr. Malay Dewanji, Hony. General Secretary, LAMP, delivering inaugural speech in the workshop on Rights of street and working children at World Social Forum, Mumbai 2004