In this meeting, LAMP, or elaborately speaking Liberal Association for Movement of People was formed, and it was told by its founder Malay Dewanji that “an analysis of the historic events of the world will convince us that man is the pioneer or the principal driving force behind the forward march of civilization. That is why the ideals and objectives of LAMP are to establish an egalitarian society in India , which will be pioneerd particularly by those among us who have been oppressed socio-culturally and exploited economically. Thus being inspired by the ideal of worldwide humanism, LAMP has been established in order to ensure that it can make such people aware about their rights and duties and thus inspire them in waging a relentless crusade against all sorts of injustice, oppression and exploitation so that ultimately a non-violent, decentralised and directly democratic socio-political system can be fostered.”
The organisation- LAMP- was finally registered on 10 th Januray, 1979 and gradually marched on as a non- profit, non-political and secular organisation; its mission and vision being to uplift the under-privileged. Today LAMP has widened its multifarious activities to various parts of West Bengal, Jharkhand, Orissa and Delhi states. Truly, therefore, it has now become a national level social welfare organisation. LAMP has been empowering the weaker sections of the Society, with all its efforts, specially targetting the poor and oppressed women and the hopeless children living on city pavements and suburban slums and rural areas. It is the sincerity of purpose, clarity of vision, strength of mind and dedication of its workers that have helped LAMP to rise from its small beginning to its present position of happy and bright promises. Completion of 29 years is a remarkable milestone in the progress of an organisation in the matter of bringing about an egalatarian society in areas steeped in illiteracy, poverty,poor health and sanitary conditions, as well as ignorance and superstitions.